deputy, special counsel mueller chose wiseman, who was also his former partner at the law firm wilmer cutler. think about it. weissmann chosen to be the number two guy on an investigation that could lead to the impeachment of the president of the united states given those statements. when he was on the record the liberating dates. if she was an instant hero of the left because she refused to enforce that same president's lawful executive order. my friends, we are talking willful defiance of the chief executive officer of the united states. pahrump is their boss. it is simple, folks. weissmann must be removed from the mueller team because of the apparent and real conflict of interest his presence represents. and finally, our exclusive report on yet another mueller prosecutor who is compromised. this time because of her alliances to the obama white house. meet jeannie. she was hired by mueller in early june and also a part of weissmann and also of mueller's old law firm wilmer cutler. previously she was a deputy assistant ag in the office of legal counsel. for obama, that meant she gave offici