hi, i'm nicole wilmot. i'm a student at the university of san francisco, double majoring in international studies and spanish, i am here as i said before, with a fellows program at the through the mccarthy center at usf, and i'm just really excited to be here, learn and observe what kind of goes on, especially during these meetings as well. so yes, thank you for the opportunity to be here and we have one more person who is joining us virtually. we have hui lee, who has been with us for over nine years. you've seen presentations from him. he has been promoted to our senior toxics reduction coordinator, filling the big shoes of maggie johnson, whom we recognize at the last commission meeting. but we all know he's up for the task. so, hui, if you want to say a few words virtually, sure. i hope that everyone can see me or hear me at least. so good evening commissioners. my name is hui and yes, as ty said, hopefully you know me by now. i've been at the department for just about nine years doing work mostly aroun