. >> supervisor walton: shawn patterson, jason erington, juan low, wilson chao, chow yu. -- yu. >> good afternoon, supervisors. full disclosure, i am a jool labs employee. in 2003, my grandfather passed away from emphysema and copd. it was a years long process, and the only reason he stopped was because he couldn't breathe anymore. years after my mother passed away, my mother confided to me that even on his death bed, he would have killed for a cigarette. in my function at jool labs, i interact with a lot of people in the labor -- in the trades field, electricians, plumbers, locksmiths, general contractors, painters. on their own accord and out of their own curiosity, they go and purchase a device legally because they've been smoking for years, and then, they come, and they confide in me and tell me that they haven't had a cigarette in days, weeks, mont months, and that they can finally breathe again, that they can finally taste food again, that their spouses and kids are proud of them, and that their clothes don't smell again. and all i can think of are that families won't have to go t