i'll always the pyre of veto in the hands of the aggressor is what has pushed the un into a deadlock wimbley in that i need assembly one thing, therefore, the un general assembly should be given real power to overcome the veto nicole. this is the essential step and most of them as if it is otherwise impossible to stop. the war includes the width of the because all efforts have vetoed by the aggressor or those who condone the aggressor with dine. yeah, not it wasn't it in the assembly. so the rush is one of the councils, 5 permanent members, each is able to kill resolutions with the power of its veto, even when most nation support them. russia has repeatedly kept the un for moving against it, and it's a war of aggression and ukraine. the russian for administer, sir gay lover off, pushed back, accusing the west of geopolitical bias. he also defended russia's veto power and was a premium either use a veto is an absolutely legitimate tool laid out in the un charter and order to prevent taking decisions that would risk splitting the organization. people that you present zillow sky, however, one t