he dispatched cutters, he dispatched winfield scott. and he issued a proclamation that lincoln summoned, which he called for in 1861. let me read one bit of it. he was addressing the people of south carolina. ultimately stern and soft, jackson, again, he was acting at two levels. the mock him he was trying to cut a deal in the back. some people might call that hypocrisy. i call that statecraft. that is what great politicians do. it is what that's quick and contemporary -- what ronald reagan did with the soviet union. from 1981, two or three days after reagan's inauguration, preferring to the soviet union as the focus of evil in the modern world, to kissing babies with gorbachev in red square in 1988. you negotiate, you use for your, you use a kind of bullying threat to soften the target. it is negotiation. here is what jackson said to south carolina. contemplate the condition of the country of which he still form an important part. consider its government, uniting in one bond of common interest and general production, somebody different