viewed over one hundred million times online he consults and coaches people like global winfrey arianna huffington usher and many many more today will be talking about his new book high performance habits how extraordinary people become that way when's it coming out september nineteenth this is your what book six book and this one took ten years of research of my personal experience three years of academic research which was hard for me because i'm not an academic or a psychologist and it's the work of my life it's one of our performance that's these are the deliberate things you do to achieve long term success so it's not luck it's not just having passed. and it's when you actually if you want to daily routine or on earth sort of a ritual basis to make sure you stay on your game and accomplish what your goals are the great baseball general manager branch rickey once said luck is the residue of design i love make your luck that's very true and we found that this is you know a long term academic sort of research project and over one hundred thousand subjects interviewed pulled the data did everything we