political tabooed image, bridged or connecting with a very popular image like an online meme, like winnie—the—poohen you're suddenly creating a huge difficulty for china's censorship, because if they've forbidden the image, then public asks questions — "why our beloved yellow bear is no longer online?" and then if they choose not to do it, then my message embedded in those memes, popular images, get its life longer in china and reach to more people. the chinese government, perhaps more than any other government in the world, is extremely adept at information control, at surveillance, at ensuring that the chinese population does not see things that the chinese government doesn't want it to see. so what's your knowledge of whether or not people inside your homeland are able to see your work? i do have great confidence that there are a large amount of people from china... can find their way, whether they're using vpn or other methodologies, to go around the censorship system, the so—called the great firewall on internet of china. there are a lot of people using social media, like twitter or instagram