. -- wintu land. before european settlers got here, the native population lived in tune with the land or they did not cultivate crops in the way we think of growing crops. they cultivated the natural environment to their benefit. back tow willow trees make baskets. but their population size was right for the area. this particular spot was an amazing salmon fishery at the time. they lived off the land and lived well before white people got here in 1844. before that, people had been driving cattle and exploring through, but they had not actually settled. wintu population and other populations were heavily influenced by that. we want to celebrate the fact that these people were here and used the land. mortar.a wintu copper the baskets are for carrying crops. to celebrate the fact that these people are here still. but we are not really talking about them when we talk about the agricultural component of shasta county, because that is very much a year american institution imposed on this land. the first year