. >> commissioner wiseman ward. >> yes. >> 7 ayes, as modified. >> so we'll take individual votes for item number 10 roll call. >> commissioner alexander. >> yes. >> vice president. >> yes. >> commissioner shu. >> yes. >> commissioner momdi. >> yes. >> president lamb. >> yes >> commissioner sanchez. >> yes. >> commissioner wiseman ward. >> yes. >> that's 7 ayes. >> roll call for consent item number 11. >> thank you for 11. >> a alexander >> >> yes. >> yes. >> commissioner shu. >> yes. >> commissioner >> yes. >> president lam. >> yes. >> commissioner sanchez. >> yes. >> commissioner wiseman ward. >> yes. >> 7 ayes. >> item #31, mission--discussion. item number 31 let me get there. 31 and 32 actually are connected and maybe it's chief nathan, they're both contracts and one has a 32 shows that total percentage of modification amount to the original contract. but 31 does not. and is it because 31 the modification is why so drastically? commissioner you can give me a minute so i can log in and look at the item and see if i remember this one. >> 31 amount of 22,000 and modification of 275,0