place, hot five don't need no more eggs or spermatozoa, not even the uterus scientists from the witchman instituteated a method for obtaining so-called synthetic embryos , complex technologies make it possible to take mice from an adult organism in experiments, the so-called stem cells modify them, divide them into several groups and place them under special conditions to force the formation of real embryos. in the experiment, it was decided to limit the duration of the mouse pregnancy to half. and for these eight days embryos. managed to form all the main organs, including the brain and the beating heart, the authors of the technology. they say that she could be a breakthrough in obtaining donor organs. for a person in need. they would create an embryo. and they took organs and tissues from there for transplantation. the truth is, which ethics committee will allow this and which country will be the first to step over slippery moral questions for the sake of saving lives in the new year, and now a short trip to the wonderful world of big science neutron factory, as the peak reactor in gatchina nea