withey want to go that, if he doesn't win it, just fine. facebook, i think what we need more than anything is experience and a steady hand. biden offers experience and a steady hand. whichever democrat wins the nomination, i believe in democracy, and that makes them better than the alternative. ida prefers president trump and says he has done more for american the last few presidents have ever done. here is more from the president last night into below criticizing -- in tupelo criticizing barack obama and joe biden. [video clip] >> with no political experience, i beat the clinton dynasty, the bush dynasty, the president barack hussein obama dynasty, and president obama worked anrder at defeating me th crooked hillary clinton did. he was all over the place. the only time i have actually seen him work hard when he came to trying to beat trump. said, remember he said, he will not be present. that did not work out so well. then they figured they could take us out a different way, very dishonest. the lying in the spying and the leaking. ass.e ar