and what t has to do withhthe jerry &sandu. 3 bth - new year's resolutton recently, federal judge orderedtobacco comppnies to say in product wwrnings thee had previously deceived the public about the danggrs of tobacco.let's have washington don't recall president obama - or any one member of congress campaign on tth promise that or they'd give us trillion national debt bigger than the gdp. or middle class wealth would lummet. or they'd take extravaganntvacations while &pworking ameriians goowithout. us.2012 is the year of tte big lie. pooiticians claim they - spending ann pay for ii with minor adjustments here and &pthere. the math doesn't, they accuse aaloophole is when someone s. deductions for mortgage interest or ccaaitable contributtoos are not loophooes. it's ppoolee complying with the law. it's pax pplicy created by the goveenment. if dc politicians then do it. but don't uss loaded terms to mply law-abiding citizens are tt blame for our nation's fiical mess.onll ccngress and the president aae to blame. they think the public is stupid. we're not. but many of us believed -