mimielle is here withths nowow yy've been everywywre, my friend. including with a stt who was already won whwh oscars, mr. kevin costner. one of myyfavorites. >> yeye mine,too. really good fellow. he won for roles with directing andd prprucing. butt didn't visit kevin at h h gnificent beach frononproperty to talk about movieses he's got a new book that all about adventure. so we talkedd about the wild venture that is right in his wn backyard and thh is it fatherhood. >> i'm goii toshift to these because it't' g gting bright and starting to get blue here. >> now we got kevin costner. tt glare is pretty bright with the pacific ocean right there. kevin's livinin the good life ass he and wife christine are raising threeeeoung kids. are you pretty h hnds on? are you a hands on dad? >> yeah. wwl, you know, we raise our ds. we e th drive them to school in the morning. d whwhi'm here, this morning we're both in the car. we get their packs on and awayy they go. chris is great a aut what they gegeto eat. fit was me, they wouldave chocolate. you know? they'd