i didn't kim him, why did you beat him to wnl a pels. the guy was trying to rip me off so put yourself in my woo, would have fixed the pipes pope, tho is guilty to built super markets we have, huh? >> we're calling each other on our boat, is what we're doing. it's just, you know, an old, married couple. speaking the truth, and know-- i mean, i rof that scene because represents all the complexities of being in a long marriage and the love and the resentment, it's just know-- and justu add o that, sir? >> cawg each other out on stuff. we're talking about i almost killed the plucker and she burned down the street. upon what else is new? >> rose: do you have somebody in your life that calls you on it upon on live. >> rose: do you have this kind of honesty with davidicle gee we do. we've been married 20 years, and if you've been married that lo long. >> roselong. >> he is the guardian dog. it is impossible to guard them. we an expression in france-- you can't change the stripes of the zebra. and they're-- you know, no matter what, they are th