wohhoo" wohoo." on tuesday... there was a ceremonial ground breaking for the new waverly elementary and middle school.the 22-million dollar facility will be built pn elllrslle avenue.residents were prommsed fundiig from the state as far back as the late 19-90's to build the school, &pbut residents and advocaaes hhd to lobby the city school system and thh state to make good on that promise. promises have een made and - we've been waiting for a very long time and you know these parent deserve it." it."goldieecarter: "i love to see the growth thattthe community ssmaking, i'm hoping that the community will continue to grow and to expand--i look forward to waverly elemntary beiig the school that we now it could be. be.the school will serve he ggrdees andd akeeidd neighborhoods. firrt on fox... dozens of baltimore city firefighters are being demoted... to help close the city's budggt shortfall. shortfall. the group includes 69 firefighters... 6 of them are captains... and 15 re the ffrce from 6 to 20 yeaas. the reeuctio