insight about donald and elonia, courtesy of the latest in a series of trump tell-alls by michael wolffthor of "fire and fury." he has a new book called "all or nothing." i love when a new trump tell-all pops up. for me, it's the equivalent of a surprise beyonce album dropping. [ laughter ] according to the book, which is out tomorrow, the first time trump saw elon bopping around onstage at a rally in pennsylvania, he said "what the "f" is wrong with this guy, and why doesn't his shirt fit?" [ laughter ] both excellent questions. the book says that some of trump's cronies believe trump was using ozempic, which i guess means ozempic doesn't work? [ laughter ] i don't know. wolff writes that when trump wants to celebrate, he calls for his "poison," which is a basket of starbursts, hershey bars, laffy taffy, and tootsie rolls. [ laughter ] his head really is a halloween pumpkin, just stuffing it. the book claims trump really wanted a female vice president, but instead settled for a man who wears eyeliner. [ laughter ] wolff also says trump was losing it towards the end of the campaign. and