she was taken on a special flight to chindu and then transported to the wolong national nature reserveal weeks and then join her relatives. fubao was born in 2020 and became the first panda to be born in south korea. her parents aibao and lebao previously lived at the zoo for 8 years. i rented them out. in china, according to the rules, all cubs also belong to him and return home when they turn 4 years old. the bamboo bear is considered an unofficial symbol of the celestial empire. under state protection. approximately 2.0 of these animals live in the wild, mainly in the highlands of sachuan, where extensive bamboo forests remain. there are almost 700 bears in nurseries and zoos around the world. yes, we have talked about this many times, there is even such a thing as panda diplomacy. oh yeah. even said panda therapy, when you just feel better in your soul, just by the sight of a panda, somewhere, for example, on social networks, a lot of videos have come across lately, well, for this you can really watch endlessly how she lies like that, in no hurry and eats her bamboo, which for me w