kavanaugh advised womack to say the administration was not discussing legal options adding "even talkingbout this issue compose -- can pose problems down the road." other emails show kavanaugh being called on for ethics related advice about gifts and presidential travel. at one point, kavanaugh polled -- explaining he had been asked to gather information "for possible press purposes." if you want to see some of the details of that document dump on brett kavanaugh that came out. let's go to duane in new york, independent line. caller: good morning, pedro. not that i believe her or don't believe her. it does not matter if she brings this book out or not because if you listen to the callers on trump supporters, they could not care less if he called a person of color the and word. what do they care? thingsme up with these as she is treasonous and this and that and it does not matter to trump supporters. she can make her book and get millions and move on. host: how much faith you put in the claims? because she is saying it and from her perspective as an insider? anler: let's say she is inside