should avoid alcohol unless using birth control - that new suggestion from the c-d-c is llving some wommn inccsed. the suggestion from the federal cases of fetal alcohol syndrome. that well- meaning warning is firing some people up -- many they weren't in control of their own bodies. heres something you won't see every day.... an atv goes for a joyride..without a driver you ccn see it here... security cameras caught it all on video at huber's store in fort atkinson this happened back in january, but was just put up on youtubeesterday don huber, the owner of the storor says me locals were taking out the a-t-v for a spin they lost control of the machine, and it went rogue. the video is jokingly being called the ghost rider a-t-v do youubelieve in ghhsts? yeah really, i dont know, i've got a brother thats seen a spirit or something so what the heck! siding of the store... an air conditioning`unit broke too the a-t-v is damaged, but huber says the ownwn is a good friend, and everything has been still to cme on the k-w-w-l news at five... some do-gooders leaveeags of warm clottes out for those in need