. >> tim frye department staff sorry to interrupt much less wong brown will make sure it meets the public open space in terms of the signage and availability. >> okay. so commissioners i didn't hear anyone technically example ma make a motion. >> i'll move the motion of approval with our traditions. >> well, we need an approval to adapt a resolution. >> so commissioners increase another motion and second so draupt the reserving resolution with your comments to reflect a storage and catalog in plan constricts and the columns be capable and quiet for the signage. commissioner hyland. commissioner johnck. commissioner johns. commissioner matsuda. commissioner pearlman. commissioner wolfram. president hasz. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero. commissioners, on that motion this will place you on item 9 for the informational presentation >> thank you. i'm just again do you have a hard stop at the 2:30 is that what's going on >> try to get through this. >> have another meeting that starts at 2:30. steve planning department staff >> do we need to call this item. >>