wong ti. wong ti is an expert in the ways of the bushido... and you? in tibet, i studied with a lama who was master of the mystic arts. master, can these things be real? did you not see them with your own eyes? is it not possible that the lama put them into our minds... grasshopper, would you please gather some of the fruit? i have known of such things. never as you will soon know them. to be effective... ...one must act with forthrightness and great force. but what is to be gained from such a course... ...if the end one is embarked upon is a righteous action? it flows the way of the tao. forces are in motion to which we cannot add... ...from which we cannot subtract. do i know you? i am kwai chang caine. you knew i would come? what is it you wish? for a dead man to find rest. did you ever know your grandfather, mr. caine? i met him only once. yes. oh, no, i don't think so. he was a laborer. a stonemason. hammer and chisel and stone. his eyes were bloodshot from stone chips. his hands were calloused, dirty. you offered him a great deal. mr. caine, you