i want you to all put your hand on the wooden pa. oh, go ahead. it's all right. all right? now, take the hand off and touch the metal part underneath, the metal part of your table, okay? now which is hotter, the wood part or the metal part? wood. that is kind of an ambiguous question, gang. is it not? which has the higher temperature, the wood or the metal? try it again. same. the same. yeah, the same. but if you just feel it, you'd say what? oh, the metal is colder. is the metal colder? it fls colder because it's a better conductor. your body temperature is highe than the temperature of everything se in this room. and temperature is hher over your hand than that which you touch. ng, there's a heat flo an energy flow that we call heat. it goes from high temperature to low. and when you did that, when you touched the wood, there's a heat difference but conductivity not so much. how much energy flow from your hand when you touched the wood? a lot or a little? a little. how much flowed from your nd when you touch the metal? a lot or a little? a lot. the other l, right? a lot.