>> yeah, i was -- i thought woody harrson, the real actual woody harrelson -- >> yh, he'd be great? >> seth: yeah. you,e wererealking back stage, you havewo kids? >> yeah. >> set 8 and 11, is that right? >> mm-hmm. >> seth: i'm just about, i told you i was justbout to have my first, and the first thing you asked meas, "do u have a name picked out?" >> yea seth: andant to have this discussion on levision, becathen, i can show it to my wife and my sister-in-law. >> well, we' on tv nowso we can just do it. >> seth: yeah. they're not watching now, they'll see it later. [ light lauger ] but here's the thing we ha name picked out,y wife and picked out a name. >> you gonna say it? >> seth: it's a family name, i'm t going to say it. >> can i gss? >> seth: no. >> okay.[ lauguger ] >> s%sh: if yot,t,f yo >> jemma.ma [ light laughter >> seth: son of a bitch. , so, weked out the name, it's a aamily nameme >> mm-hmm. >> seth: msister-in-law, who i i adore, s s slaiainnow that youan't dthat.>>>>eth: you c call a nana ghtk >> you can't call name, no. >> seth: okay, great >> you can call shotgun, y