it says right here: aseous piss ant, little woody newton..." "i leave $1 million." see, wood, he did care about you. it's not fair! i'm the one who filed a complaint against him. he should hate me more, and that money should be mine! i'm sorry, harlan. this will is legal. so the money's mine. i mean, wood's. actually, the money ain't anybody's yet. hmm? what? mr. abbott left five envelopes. coach. mm-hmm. accordin' to this will, you gotta open each one of these envelopes and do what's inside in order to earn the $1 million. earn? what is this earn stuff? oh, this is exciting. it's like gettin' the publisher's clearinghouse letter. only from the great beyond. herman, the man is dead. now that money is mine. open that envelope! i can't open it. you have to open the envelopes. the will states, too, that you have to follow the instructions to the letter, and if you fail to do that in any one of these envelopes, you forfeit the entire $1 million. that's ridiculous! can he do that? honey, stonewall can do whatever he wants. that's why it's called his will. yeah, and as hi