like wookers. like a same situation as a you, they want to show you which one is the strongest. they'll be, like, look at me, look at me. watch, i'm a matador, you know. and if you think about that scenario, it's the same thing, man. it's like a john pulling up to the parking with the same questions, too. hey, how much? what can you do, man? you don't mind getting on all fours, do you? do you mind getting dirty? can you lay some pipe? get in the we're heading out of here. >> where exactly is this place? >> sunset, right down the street. >> you mexican people, you black people, y'all complain, but greek people we got it worse. they name streets after you. cesar char vez boulevard, martin luther king boulevard. what do they name after greeks? diseases. i don't want to hear a black person complain until you can supply a girl suffering from la kweesh sha! >> you do some terrific impressions. >> they explaining that one. >> do steve martin for me. >> steve martin? >> yeah, who do you do? >> i only do one impression. >> who? >