. >> in existing insurance, those of us who have it, we are be wooldridge oesterle -- we are be wooldridgeonstantly. you can never figure out exactly what your payment is supposed to be. how will this function under the affordable care act? >> you will have two different forms of payment. you'll have your premium payment on a monthly level and you'll you will have what we call cost- sharing when you go to the doctors. if you have a very inexpensive plan, you might also have a deductible which means you have to pay a certain amount, usually in the platinum product for example it is $200 for silver and maybe $1000 -- although there are special cost-sharing reductions for very low income in the silver product. you have to pay that before your insurance kicks in. the good news is, those deductibles don't apply to things like primary care or preventive care. in new york he won't apply to drugs. there are several protections for people on the deductibles side. there is a monthly bill and then what you pay when you go to the doctor. >> give us some examples of people who will go to the system. >>