. -- woopie would go to jail for a long time. "shut up, do old fool." i love o'brieprah. she did something different. what a black person is going to give a two year notice about trade-in third job? one of those nine weeks is going to be vacation. -- a black person is going to give two weeks, and one of those weeks is going to be vacation. when you have money, you can do anything you want. i learned something from you. some weeks ago you gave me of books "from the hard left." i am finishing up of both -- a book. it is going to be called "and don't touch my bread or "/it off -- laugh it off." you hear the old people who say, when i turned 65, i am going to retire and travel all around the world. you are too old. old people have to be asleep. i see old people looking out of the eiffel tower. i tell young people to make sure you travel and turn heads, because when you are young, get on an airplane. old people like to start wars. old, rich people. that is the only reason we have wars. you give me 10 kids from china, africa, brazil, cleveland, a boom box, a keg of beer, and le