workinge 1 100 engineers on behalf of townhall and also volunteers.ineers from the united kingdom and europe as well. there are also a number of lebanese volunteers. they are all working together to inspect the buildings and then they are drafting reports. decided tododay, we evict a number off people from buildings. they are no longer to enter the buildings, because they are likely to fall. -- because the buildings are likely to fall. macron and hisl visit, have you set up lands to rebuild the port? talkesident macron didn't of rebuilding. it is speeches, he spoke quite generally about support to lebanon and of his love for lebanon. president macron visited ground zero, vivisited this site, and e was shshocked. he didn't have much time to talk about such measures. what about the wheat silos? >> as for the wheat silos, they were entirely destroyed, and that is why they have to be rebuilt entirely, silos. the lebanese government will have to be dealing with the crisis all the while we are waiting for new silos to be built. on top of that, we have to de