i am not too much concerned with partisan denunciation, with epithets and abuse, because the workingmanfarmer, the thoughtful businessman, all know that they are better off than ever before, and they all know that the greatest danger to free enterprise in this country died with the great depression under the hammer blows of the democratic party. and nor am i afraid that the precious two-party system is in danger. certainly the republican party looked brutally alive a couple of weeks ago and i mean both republican parties. nor am i afraid that the democratic party is old and fat and indolent. after a hundred and fifty years, it has been old for a long time, and it will never be indolent, as long as it looks forward and not back, as long as it commands the allegiance of the young and the hopeful who dream the dreams and see the visions of a better america and a better world. you will hear many sincere and thoughtful people express concern about the continuation of one party in power for twenty years. i don't belittle this attitude. but change for the sake of change has no absolute merit i