it is not just about worklife allen's. -- work-life balance. they are the ones who will always get unfiltered feedback from. they will be your foundation, your compass, and they will keep you grounded. number eight, i think you already know this, be prepared for every encounter. calvin coolidge taught as a long time ago that there is nothing in the world like to take the place of perseverance. it was from somebody that said the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. show up every day prepared. does not mentor -- matter who you are presenting to. i can be presenting to a class of third graders as it was a couple of weeks ago. everyone deserves what. be prepared. number nine, the high road is less crowded but it is where you should always aspire to be. people will make it tough to say there. the good news for me, i really hate traffic and there are no traffic jams on the high road. number 10, treat everyone with respect and kindness. it does not matter who they are or what they can do for you. the measure of a human being is,