. >> we also have a jobs program called workreation. we hire teenagers who are no longer eligible to participate in the camps. we will be hiring 110 kids from around the city to be assistant counselors in the summer programs. that is through the partnership with the department of children use and families. this is the 50th university this year of the program. -- this is the 50th anniversary this year of the program. >> it is one of the better programs i have seen in haight- ashbury. what programs bring education to the forefront? mayor newsom: maria is shaking her head. then reverend brown will amplify. >> we're partnering with two other departments to find the early education service area. we invest a significant amount of money and blend with school districts dollars and headstart dollars to ensure that if a family in san francisco once a child care slot, they will have the opportunity to have that slot. with different types of subsidy programs to support families and all income levels. as the mayor said, if any families are intereste