bill gates: some global institutions were created after world war ii, the world bank, unicef.hey have been key partners. yet, there is a cynicism about the efficiency and their ability to change. him in fact, with their two him exceptions, we don't have any new ones. over the next 10-20 years, do you think these global institutions can step up to play the role you need them to play? pres. obama: first of all, the biggest problems we confront, no one nation can solve on their own. not even a nation is powerful as united states of america. there are times during my presidency where i was attacked for not claiming that we could go on our own. as if that was expressing weakness, no. i believe that the united states is the indispensable nation and that many of the initiatives and much of the progress we have made could not have been done unless we underwrote the efforts. i'll use this example. our handling of ebola, which, in retrospect, i think a lot of historians would argue was one of the most effective emergency health public intervention in history. we created the architecture