for this project to happen the world food programme n.g.o.s and the government how to cooperate and all for the trick on a food provided that they work on the project. the dam may hold some of the rainwater and help the turkana gather water for the next drought. when our screens are again flooded by images of starving africans and the international community asks again for humanitarian aid then we will know that the drought is not the real culprit. in my view see drought us just an excuse that we use in order to you know make the aid in the street appear to be fair to chile the horn of africa receives more rain than soda rabia than even the drought but you know tides the saudis their own money is pleading for food aid. to the problem really about funding now for it is note about drugs it's about how we have money. so the troops to help with the african person. we need nor stop just delivering a few bugs of grain to the people he sees telling we need to start interrogating the global food system and how it's been truly makes individual africans in the rural villages end up having no food