in the nine years since china entered the world trade organisation, its insurance industry has developed fast: from only 30 licensed companies in 2001 to 115 today. over a third these are either wholly owned or strongly backed by foreign insurance brands. but with no level playing field and limitations on what they can sell, these investors arebeing left behind in the race for market share. >>reporter: in august alone, another 1.2 million cars jostled for space on china's roads... a 55 percent year-on-year increase. the same month, new property sales were up 9.3 percent on 2009; while in shanghai, cargo throughput hit new records with the port handling 2.6 million containers. >>mackie: premium income in the first half of 2010 topped 18 billion us dollars... up over 33 percent on 2009.and there's plenty of room for growth as market penetration is still under 3 percent of gdp. >>reporter: of the country's 115 insurance players, over 40 are foreign owned or foreign funded. most entered the market in the five years after china joined the wto. for jackson tang, who heads liberty mutual's oper