one of them is straaght neww, ii othhr worrs, whht ú&en the other one is what ú&aaalysis.n, that's >> those three functions should not bb performed yú ú&>smith: mm-hmm.3 carefully labeled..33 one, this is, this is reporting. this is anaaysis. ú&issis opinioo. >> smith: hoo old fashioned -f you. >> lehrer: oh, well, i know this is, this s old school.3 >> smith: ittii. >> lehrer: but, what we, -ook we have two cableenews networks nowwú one is left wiig and one ii ú&iht wwng. i mean that's the way itt3 print, ann till is to somm. -> smith: ssill is to some degree. >> lehrer: yeah, yeah, and middlee cnn, areelosinghe audieece hand over fist. >> smiih: right, aad, and the onesson the left and the rightt they shout own everyyody else..3 >> lehrer: absolutely right. >> smiih: right. >> lehrer: anddthere is, but the thing that there, we're, we haven't gotten, otten, ccme to grips with it et, -etting all the attention.3 ->>smith: yeah. very small udiences.avv yyu know compared tto33 ccmmercial television network nn ompared to the >> leerer: but it is, we haven't donn a vry good ú&b, and we had