to this objection, they wouldma likely to respond sure, but wepl didn't interface perfectly with allose neurons. o they are in regular use and interface intruder by many orders of magnitude would be enough to help us achieve mostwh of our necessary purposes for what we hope to do. t third objection is that this project or at least the most ambitious version of it is built upon a fundamentally mistaken understanding of mine. trans-humanists have inherited dualism believing in the constitutional separation of body and soul although his mark as pointed out, they tend to substitute for the old-fashioned word soul terms like pattern, charlie spoke about this. if the essence -- as if the essence of who we are presided to shifting pattern of the electrochemical signal of the brain. though we are in fact psychophysical unities, a mind or soul or living pattern can't just be stepped up and toved toa another substrate. it can at most be simulated and of course imitation as chris tollison put it, personhood is incommunicable. to this objection, the savvy trans-humanists would likely respond, sh