once again, station wpxq presents speak your piece, a program dedicated to local problems. today, we're going to hear a debate on the question of re-zoning. speaking for this issue is a man well-known for his civic-mindedness, i present one of our leading citizens, mr. harvey ainsworth. -mr. ainsworth. -(applause) he looks so distinguished. i don't remember his being so gray around the temples. don't worry. just wait till you see my wilbur. and now, speaking against re-zoning, wilbur post. what's that? that is wilbur. where did he get the coat? never mind that. where did he get that face? he looks like he was stamped out with a cookie cutter. oh, no. i need perry mason to defend me and i get bozo the clown. and so, fellow citizens, i repeat. re-zoning will enhance the value of your property and put livestock where it belongs, on the farm. now, mr. post, do you have anything to say in answer to that. yes, i... yes, i have. i feel that re-zoning our property will destroy the rural atmosphere and the rustic charm the very things we were seeking when we moved here. moreover, as