. -- wraught. was the notion bring tourists to space or more than that?han that.e certainly that is at the core of virgin galactic's business. one must keep in mind we are trying to open a new frontier. reducing the cost and risk of going to space is part of that. wethe x prize foundation, believe that a lot of the earth's issues can be solved by proper use of space. we believe in the closed system, when those consumers are gone, then we are in trouble. space offers that potential. virgin galactic's efforts to spend -- to send individuals to space is part of that larger opening of a new frontier. >> i was out there in the desert 10 years ago when the x prize was one --won. paul allen's money was behind it. the notion it was going to launch a new private space race seemed ridiculous, and yet here we are with elon musk and spacex. with jeff bezos and blue origin. with larry page inflammatory resources, and other companies out there without the big names behind them. did you really envision the next prize would lead to that? x absolutely. -- >> absolutely. i