listening to bob hope or shirley temple or local programming like here in washington on quiz kids on wrc and things like that. that night they were going to movies and seeing "meet john doe" and "the maltese falcon," "citizen kane." maybe a movie starring ronald reagan. but america was looking forward to a somewhat prosperous christmas for the first time in years. unemployment had recently dipped to about 10% which was the lowest it had been during the administration of franklin roosevelt. they were not thinking about war, not in the context of american men and women getting involved in a war. world war i had left a very bad taste in americans' mouths. um, the war to end all wars, the war to make the world safe for democracy had done just the opposite and given rise to very undemocratic institutions in italy and germany and other places. we were walled off, we believed, from war by two giant oceans, um, and after world war i there was a saying going on in america that the only thing we got was death and debt and george m. cohen. so we were distinctly isolationists. in fact, neutrality ac