woulbed much more worried if wei re in a place where 30% of peleop are vainccated th ansan anfrcisco, wreherllfuy ccvainated. i thinitk llwi keta a ilwhe for us to get there. if t hecase rates stt artickg in upi , take it is prudt ento expect alet ast some level of new strerictionspr obably beginning thwi a mask mandate, t noa lockdo. wn >>ye e cancergo vernor newsome llwi be very cautious how he acples, givehen is facing a recallle ection. politics waalys voinlved. we are ttgeing a question from eric a. shsae ys what is the risk of being thwi kids under 12 are not vainccated ouidtse come in cars witwih ndows crkeacd or inside? >> y ouknow e thkids e arstill unvaccinedat. i hope e th vacce inis appredov in them, i thk init will be probab lyin seemptber. until th,en the dski are less likely to get cksi and less likelyo tget covid then an ult was. e thdelta is more iecnftious an the original ruvis. i think the ri sktoan vaunccinatedny aone, inudcling a kid, ishigher when delta is e main ruvis they are exposed to. e ma inproteconti for kids is to be surrounded by adults who are vaccinedat. bto