so we put it on our web site, let's wright, and just to help people write, and it gives helpful tips and information, and we have a blog on the web site where i will to write a book and helpful tips. so i think it's real cool, and i want people to experience what we experienced. it was really fun to write together. >> great fun. go to tri-mark or let let wright together web site, we're posting tips how to write a book. kids and their friends, kids and their parents, or kids and their grandparents. a lot of grandparents are retired and have time and can write a book with their grandkids. so it might seem an intimidating process. >> it was really fun, and we have bookmarks in the back that you can pick up that has the web site and some of the fun events we'll be doing. sneaking of those, we also have these essay writing events which will host for kids of the area. they can write essays and submit them to us, and the best essays will get published into a book. >> so hopefully be a transformative endeavor for kids to see their name in print and have the co