you don't see the game, but you would writen on it as you would for a credit card.swer on that on the little pen that they have there. that's about it! is the set large? does it look smaller than it looks on television? >> fairly large. yeah. fairly sizable. and alex is all the way over on the other side. and they have lights. >>. they have lights on the side of the board and that's -- you have to see the lights before you buzz in. and it -- it was difficult, you know, timing wise. and then somebody said to me, it seemed obvious. it was somebody pushing a button to light up the board. so when alex stops talking, they've got to push the button. once you time it to the end of the question, exactly, you can buzz in. >> you've done well. you went in as you saw on that footage there. and you came out with your usual serenity. so i'm assuming that all is good. >> i was very relieved it was over. . . >> did you go in and say they call me the brain? >> no, he said this might not work very well. >> he is 70 years old, but, man, he is in great shape, alex. >> you should menti