wrotestarted, the one we the article on his transformational. -- on is transformational.ork 2-5 years. do something transformational for the company, we do something transformational for you. then we realize there are other types. one is a foundational to work. i love this company. i'm going to be working there my entire he life. orn if i don't get increases a new job, i want to be working here. as a foundational torah. one of the things we have realized is most good companies that went to be adaptive need to have foundational tors and transformational tors. if it is 100% foundational, you don't have enough to be adaptive grid -- adaptive. it is, how do i have a large fleet of people with a job with a focus? this is rotational. of rotational, transformational, and foundational were of duty -- think about, i how did mark zuckerberg pursue -- that was talent. he needed someone. facebook was coming up. >> i was not in the face bird -- facebook board but i was an investor. >> he spent a lot of his time there. most ceos spent a lot of time, if there is a valuable person -- it