. >> one of the things i know is that you always challenge, wrovl, conventional wisdom, and we live in world, again, where we are always told the value of sticking it out, finishing the project. you know, quitters never win and winners never quit, and you guys say in the text another piece of advice i learned is that you have to praise to value quitting sometimes. >> somehow we've gotten an idea that failure and quitting are the same thing. it's completely wrong. the real truth is when you keep on sticking with something and you get old and say, damn, i wish i had done something completely different from that. all of the biases we know from psychology lead people to keep on doing what they're doing. the pain -- when you want to quit, you feel the pain today, and the benefit in the future. you avoid the pane. we've actually done research. i got 40,000 people to come to a website called freakonomic experiments where they would flip a coin to help them decide a big decision. should i get divorced or should i quit my job? people actually followed the coin flip, if you can believe it. they