you may not have killed yourself, but you could have ordered wuhu bastards. also had alibi flattened at that time by businessmen to deal with. responsibility i declare that i was not in the forest last night with these gentlemen, i spent the whole day. what is there remote, says there is no result for them , we will shoot an episode, 7 disclosure of max two cases of extortion, damage to property , infliction of grievous bodily harm. how is your kommersant, by the way, he split up, he went to the forest in the trunk secured. what do you rejoice when people are intimidated in the trunk, carried by the legs down, hung up with their heads. only now, all this time, they have been hacking the withdrawal limit. portovaya 45, thank you, please. i suggest right now. maybe we bought this tablet from our hands and did not know that you want to wind up a stolen term for yourself more? yes, it's not a question, where were the witnesses, not well, you really have 8, the hotel is stuffed with a camera. you can see us there. it can be seen that i 'm watching the wise men. yo