. -- are wwarm. -- warm a couple of places are beginning to dip into the 60's. it will not cool off all that much during the evening hours. the remnants of those storms overhead, not producing any rain at this stage in the game. the front to stall to the north, not expected to drift south. during the day tomorrow it will start to go north again. as long as it is in the neighborhood, nearby it will probably causes some more thunderstorm activity to develop. pennsylvania is the best target for this. we will see what happens. we have this chance of rain north of us during the day tomorrow. we will wait and see what happens. i pressure is really what is giving us our hot weather right now and keeping this front away and also keeping hours of tropical storm to the south away from us as well. we put the satellite picture in motion just to show you how impressive these storms were. it was quite explosive for a few hours and they had some severe weather. it is a sub tropical storm, winds at 45 m.p.h.. it will take a u-turn and come back along the coast. it does not look