wyatt ingram literally lives from men moment. is difficul he wea himse out because he has to continlly do the same thing over agai like put uthe mini-blinds in the kitch, th normally would haveaken m a halfou he worked on for four days cause he had the mi-blinds lying ou and he wld measure them. then he'd in e kitche and forget the msurements has two shardd remeasur to g anything ne. att ingram hakorsakoff syndme rare neurological impairment causy long-term hakoalcohol abusee and a deciency of the b-colex vitamin thiamine. ne specic part isnaaus of the brain. koakofsyndrome has been aociated mo wi thealnutrion that alcoholics invariably suffer and more specifically withhiame deficien. so that if somne is thiamine-deficient foa given period of time, this will lead to an ute episode of beding or hemorrhaging in a particular part ofhe brain, namely the thalamus. wl ubleft a t l.lly amnesic state he will be unable to rall the past. this will be chronic. , in moscases, will remain permanently for threst of the patient's le. the thalam