you and your organization stepped in to fill the gap wycherley set up a command center and saw hundreds and thousands of veterans, connected them with benefits, with care. and i cannot thank you enough. really, really, really appreciate what you're doing. let me follow up on one of the achievements that the secretary cited and then i am grateful for, removing that 14 day deadline. get it back to 30, accelerating access to care, putting money into the local to make sure we can access that. by that same model and thinking about of passover where i mentioned earlier, if you were here, nearly 20 full-time vacancies, 20 full-time vacancies today, a commitment from our director. dr. jesse, we had those filled by the end of this month. we just checked this morning. they will not be filled. ptsd, mental health care, being able to help someone who is in the and you may be a danger to him or herself or to a spouse or loved one or the community and at best may just be suffering with out help is a critical and men need. certainly in el paso and throughout the country. guide me through this idea pro