wyeth identified a need of 35,000 square feet per share recreation space. they estimate would that it would grow to 57,000 feet. the cost of construction of a facility of this kind was at $70 million for the $57 a square foot facility. this was an unfunded estimate and him merely a projection of need. the facility of parcel f., of great benefits but at no additional cost to the city, other than oregon market retail. in many cases, the city owns these facilities. the city pays for this goes to the construction cost of the facility and also ongoing editorial, landscape, and made its costs associated with owning any building. a good analogy might be the hamilton recreation center which also contains a gym and pool facility. hamilton cost approximately $18 million to construct. the recreation and park apart and has estimated $300,000 annual cost for janitorial and landscaping maintenance, leaving aside any programming and associated cost. in this transaction, the city would to similar benefits. it will facility, gymnasium, and community facility, but without th