wynnton was an attendee of our 1995 atlanta regional conference, and he is one of our most successful alumni. wynton is the owner of wynton hall and company responsible for numerous new york times best selling books. he has written 18 books six of which became new york times bestsellers. his clients include top hollywood producers and actors, cabinet secretaries, billionaires nba stars heisman trophy winners fashion icons and military heros. wynton's published work has appeared in virtually every major periodical in america including "the new york times," "usa today," "presidential studies quarterly," "politico" and many others. he is the managing editor at breitbart news s a frequent media guest on outlets like fox news, and was a featured commentator for the bbc news presidential documentary "presidential hollywood." in addition serving as a young america's foundation director, wynton has served on the prestigious national task force on the presidency and public opinion and is a former visiting fellow at the hoover institution at stanford university. i'd like to introduce you to wyn